Image for Like Simple Dishes, Content Simplicity Satisfies Consumers

When it comes to communication, punchy is better than paunchy. Some people call it “snackable content”. If an audience likes the snack, they are more likely to eat the meal.

Attention spans had shriveled before the coronavirus pandemic. Now audiences are also exhausted. Communicators need to serve a lean diet of useful, engaging content to get their audiences to bite.

If COVID-19 isolation has yielded any benefit, it has reduced expectations for grand creative presentations. Endless days of Zoom calls have dulled the senses, while ginning up an appetite for content worth consuming. Content chefs can concentrate on what they serve, and less on the ambience of how they serve it. On a computer screen, your content kitchen won’t seem that much different from Martha Stewart’s.

To make your audience notice your content, select a menu of keywords that reflects what your audience searches for and employ visual imagery that whets their appetites.

The exhaustion and frustration resulting from unending days at home has also created a pent-up demand for content that is meaty and that matters. Think of it as home delivery of content cuisine in the form of memorable stories that fill unmet needs, answer unanswered questions or fulfill unsatisfied longings. Think veal piccata on video.

Not every story about a brand, issue or major project can be told in a TikTok 15-second flash. And it doesn’t have to. Audiences can digest longer, more complex content as long as it is smartly packaged, has a compelling narrative and includes visual reinforcement. This requires a carefully designed content menu with the intended audience’s sense of taste given foremost priority.

Steer clear of arguments over content length and focus instead on how to make content relevant, approachable and clear. Complicated topics may require details, so give your viewers a progressive dinner of content with bite-size servings and layers of texture and flavor. One rule-of-thumb on length is that content served behind paywalls can and perhaps should be more than a single course. If the content is in the public domain or on your own platform, stick with meat and potatoes.

To make your audience notice your content, select a menu of keywords that reflects what your audience searches for and employ visual imagery that whets their appetites. Crisp writing and captivating imagery are essential to give your content sizzle and eye appeal, making it easier for content diners to find and devour your daily specials.

Old favorites can be repackaged as a fresh content choice for consumers to rediscover and savor, which can be a bargain for content creators on a strict budget and stretched thin on finding fresh material.

Taste-testing content is essential to feeding your audience the right balance of content and ensuring a satisfying taste in the minds of consumers so they return for more of your content cooking. You can sample content on social media or ask consumers directly through email.

As chefs have discovered, the simplest foods are often the most revered. The same is true for content. Simplicity conveys authenticity, a must-have ingredient for trust.