From its inception, CFM has provided corporate, nonprofit and public clients with principled advocacy that achieves results. That hasn’t changed under CFM’s new leadership of Joel Rubin and Dale Penn II. We are experienced, maintain the relationships and possess the political moxie to pass legislation, secure funding and execute media strategies. CFM has a hard-earned reputation for handling some of Oregon’s thorniest public policy issues. We have won national awards for successful strategic campaigns.
Most of our team members have worked in government, so we understand how the process works and who to contact to get results. We work with men and women from both sides of the political aisle and don’t run political campaigns.
Founded as a friendly spinout from Tektronix in 1990, CFM heads into its 30th year of continuous operation with a renewed commitment to our core business — federal affairs, Oregon state affairs and public affairs. Rubin leads CFM’s federal affairs practice, Penn heads the Oregon state affairs practice and CFM cofounder Gary Conkling guides the CFM public affairs practice.
CFM is viewed as a leading Pacific Northwest public policy advocacy firm. We are committed to continuing and enhancing that reputation. Some important CFM traditions are continuing under the team’s leadership:
- Our advocacy is fact-based. If we can’t prove it, we won’t advocate it.
- We thrive on tough issues that demand creative solutions and strategic communications.
- We operate as an integrated team to provide comprehensive services to clients.
- Quality client service means consistent communication with clients.
- We promise to outwork anyone.

Joel Rubin
Partner / Federal Affairs
Meet Joel

Joel Rubin
—Partner / Federal Affairs

Dale Penn II
Partner / State Affairs
Meet Dale

Dale Penn II
—Partner / State Affairs

Kirby Garrett
Partner / Federal Affairs
Meet Kirby

Kirby Garrett
—Partner / Federal Affairs

David Hodges
Partner / Public Affairs
Meet David

David Hodges
—Partner / Public Affairs

Page Strickler
Partner / Federal and Public Affairs
Meet Page

Page Strickler
—Partner / Federal and Public Affairs
We don’t serve clients to win awards. But some awards underscore how we serve clients. CFM is one of the only Pacific Northwest firms that has been awarded three Silver Anvils, the “Oscar” of public relations handed out by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). Silver Anvils are awarded for work based on solid research, strategic execution and clear results.
CFM’s first Silver Anvil was for a multi-session legislative project on a complex energy issue. A second award was for an integrated PR and lobby effort to raise tobacco taxes to fund a tobacco prevention campaign that led to reduced teen smoking. The third involved PR related to the Free Willy movement aimed at the risky return of the movie-star orca whale to a natural environment.